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In the summer of 2002, Electric Horizon Records was born. It came to an end in 2007 after having released a few DIY demos and a couple of professionally pressed/printed albums.


In 2010 I changed the name to Electric Horizon Productions. This time I started a company around all my personal music endeavors such as equipment purchases, travels, studio work, and concerts for my own bands as well as session works for others. I have been a session musician for a handful of bands, both live and in the studio. I also continued self-releasing a couple of albums so the label side never really died.


In 2020 Electric Horizon Productions expanded into an overall mixed media art design and production. With my wife Laura Diamond, we created a new imprint named Electric Horizon Art Studio.

In 2025 EHP continues to expand the label side with several new releases. 

Einar Thorberg Guðmundsson / Eldur.

© EHP - Electric Horizon Productions 2020

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